
Usage Fee ・ Commission Fee
Representative purchase charge and international delivery charge will be charged as follows:
There will be 2 payments; (1) When you request representative purchase (2) When a package is shipped overseas.

(1)When you place on a representative purchase order (Invoice No.1)

A: Merchandise price Total
B: Japan Domestic Shipping ChargeThe domestic shipping fee and policy of each online shop will be applied to your order.
C: WorldshoppingFee10% of Order Price Total

(2)When the package is ready to be shipped overseas (Invoice No.2)

A: Overseas Shipping ChargeActual cost: EMS or Other delivery service charge (depending on countries and weight of the parcel)
B: Handling charge500 JPY (Per packing) The cost to make a letter of transmittal for overseas delivery, import and export documents, re-packaging fee for overseas delivery, etc.
C: Special packingActual cost: Packing with wooden frame, or in case that other special packing is necessary.
D: Shipping insuranceFree for Merchandise price up to 20,000 JPY

International shipping Charge (EMS charge)

Shipping type:Express Mail service(EMS)

Weight Asia Oceania, North America, Central America and the Middle East Europe South America and Africa
〜 500gJPY 1,400JPY 2,000JPY 2,200JPY 2,400
〜 600gJPY 1,540JPY 2,180JPY 2,400JPY 2,740
〜 700gJPY 1,680JPY 2,360JPY 2,600JPY 3,080
〜 800gJPY 1,820JPY 2,540JPY 2,800JPY 3,420
〜 900gJPY 1,960JPY 2,720JPY 3,000JPY 3,760
〜 1.0kgJPY 2,100JPY 2,900JPY 3,200JPY 4,100
〜 1.25kgJPY 2,400JPY 3,300JPY 3,650JPY 4,900
〜 1.5kgJPY 2,700JPY 3,700JPY 4,100JPY 5,700
〜 1.75kgJPY 3,000JPY 4,100JPY 4,550JPY 6,500
〜 2.0kgJPY 3,300JPY 4,500JPY 5,000JPY 7,300
〜 2.5kgJPY 3,800JPY 5,200JPY 5,800JPY 8,800
〜 3.0kgJPY 4,300JPY 5,900JPY 6,600JPY 10,300
〜 3.5kgJPY 4,800JPY 6,600JPY 7,400JPY 11,800
〜 4.0kgJPY 5,300JPY 7,300JPY 8,200JPY 13,300
〜 4.5kgJPY 5,800JPY 8,000JPY 9,000JPY 14,800
〜 5.0kgJPY 6,300JPY 8,700JPY 9,800JPY 16,300
〜 5.5kgJPY 6,800JPY 9,400JPY 10,600JPY 17,800
〜 6.0kgJPY 7,300JPY 10,100JPY 11,400JPY 19,300
〜 7.0kgJPY 8,100JPY 11,200JPY 12,700JPY 21,400
〜 8.0kgJPY 8,900JPY 12,300JPY 14,000JPY 23,500
〜 9.0kgJPY 9,700JPY 13,400JPY 15,300JPY 25,600
〜 10.0kgJPY 10,500JPY 14,500JPY 16,600JPY 27,700
〜 11.0kgJPY 11,300JPY 15,600JPY 17,900JPY 29,800
〜 12.0kgJPY 12,100JPY 16,700JPY 19,200JPY 31,900
〜 13.0kgJPY 12,900JPY 17,800JPY 20,500JPY 34,000
〜 14.0kgJPY 13,700JPY 18,900JPY 21,800JPY 36,100
〜 15.0kgJPY 14,500JPY 20,000JPY 23,100JPY 38,200
〜 16.0kgJPY 15,300JPY 21,100JPY 24,400JPY 40,300
〜 17.0kgJPY 16,100JPY 22,200JPY 25,700JPY 42,400
〜 18.0kgJPY 16,900JPY 23,300JPY 27,000JPY 44,500
〜 19.0kgJPY 17,700JPY 24,400JPY 28,300JPY 46,600
〜 20.0kgJPY 18,500JPY 25,500JPY 29,600JPY 48,700
〜 21.0kgJPY 19,300JPY 26,600JPY 30,900JPY 50,800
〜 22.0kgJPY 20,100JPY 27,700JPY 32,200JPY 52,900
〜 23.0kgJPY 20,900JPY 28,800JPY 33,500JPY 55,000
〜 24.0kgJPY 21,700JPY 29,900JPY 34,800JPY 57,100
〜 25.0kgJPY 22,500JPY 31,000JPY 36,100JPY 59,200
〜 26.0kgJPY 23,300JPY 32,100JPY 37,400JPY 61,300
〜 27.0kgJPY 24,100JPY 33,200JPY 38,700JPY 63,400
〜 28.0kgJPY 24,900JPY 34,300JPY 40,000JPY 65,500
〜 29.0kgJPY 25,700JPY 35,400JPY 41,300JPY 67,600
〜 30.0kgJPY 26,500JPY 36,500JPY 42,600JPY 69,700
Please check the latest information on the worldshopping site.